• Entries may be listed in more than one subject category. For example, a railroad developer may be listed in “Business, Commerce, and Industry” because he was a businessman; he could also be listed in “Transportation” because of his significance to the development of transportation in Arkansas.
  • In general, the CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas categorizes entries in human terms rather than institutional terms. For example, the religions affiliations are titled and categorized as groups of people instead of entities: Methodists instead of Methodist Church or Methodism.
  • Destinations and buildings are categorized as things instead of places. For example, a city is a place but a building is a thing.
  • Businesses and industries are categorized as things.
  • We assign time periods based on when the subject was at its peak. Many entries span more than one time period. In those cases, we have not assigned them to specific periods.

Chicago Manual of Style
Cobb, William H. “Commonwealth College.” CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas. https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/commonwealth-college-10/
(accessed October 21, 2019).

Cobb, William H. “Commonwealth College.” CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas. 21 Oct. 2019
< https://encyclopediaofarkansas.net/entries/commonwealth-college-10/ >

Cobb, William H. Commonwealth College. In CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas. Retrieved October 21, 2019, from

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Example –

Source: CALS Encyclopedia of Arkansas, Commonwealth College,

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